We are a group of dedicated experts solving the most challenging problems in the field of respiratory treatment and anesthesia.
We offer services within all the different product development areas, spanning from ideas to finished products. We cover anything from higher level disciplines such as risk management and software architecture to detailed technical solutions. Whether it is about sensing or control of concentration, flow or pressure we have the knowledge and experience, involving everything from problem solving and concept generation to finished designs.
From idea to finished product. We cover everything from idea generation, concept development, proof of concept and prototyping to detailed design and launch of production. Risk analysis and requirements management from start to finish are key activities for ensuring a safe and high performing design.
Development of a subsystem for a new design or as an update of an existing design. Key is to establish the system boundry to enable easy integration with the host system. We are expericed in analysing complex requirements sets and risk assessments, to make the new design fit into the existing environment.
We have a strong backgrond in making fast and simple but yet powerful concept designs and proof-of-concept evaluation. The key to efficient concept development is the understanding of what challenges that needs to be adressed early on, i.e. what is straight forward and what needs deeper investigation.
By using our deep knowledge in the field we can do anything from LTB replacement of existing parts and cost down to performance improvements. A core strength is our extensive experience within control systems, often enabling improved performance from existing components.
Based on the customers product vision or identified need we can create innovative product ideas. One of our core strengths is to balance innovation with feasiblity. As a mindset we are striving for simplicity rather than the technically impresssive solution, to balance performance, cost and ease of use.
Our team covers a wide range of disciplines, not just the technical areas but also the clinical field. For example we can assist in evaluation of products, technical design, patent portfolios etc at an aquisition. When combining our technical and medical expertise we have the capability of performing comprehensive and complete risk assessments of designs and products.
Our team has a mixed background from the electrical, mechanical and software engineering field as well as the medical and physiological field, with experience from working with some of the most high profiled products in the market. Finding innovative solutions to complex problems is one of our core values, this is illustrated by the fact that the individuals at Spirotronic has generated more than 30 patents.
We work with dedicated teams and efficient decision making, enabling us to deliver top quality results at high pace.
If to summarize the mindset of our team in a few words I would put it as:
Creative but realistic
Restless but thorough
Knowledgeable but humble
Erik Cardelius CEO
Solving the most complex multidisciplinary problems together with the most talented individuals gives a personal satisfaction. Knowing that the result helps saving lives gives an extra dimension to the feeling
Mathias Eklund CTO
Why join us?
You will be part of a small but growing team dedicated to what you love – working with cutting edge medical technology.
If you are a junior engineer you will have the opportunity to get a deep technical understanding of the most important products out there, those that actually save lives. As an expert engineer in the field you will be in a flat organization focused on solving problems.
You will be able to work with various tasks and disciplines without the overhead of big corporations. We are a growing team where you will have great opportunities for personal development.
Send your application to jobs@spirotronic.com
Grevgatan 34
114 53 Stockholm